Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Max International Juices vs. Supplements vs. MaxGXL

What makes MaxGXL different than virtually every nutritional supplement and health juice on the market?

MaxGXL has over a decade of research, human clinical testing and use behind it. The results with MaxGXL can be measured. In clinical research, human blood samples show that MaxGXL works every time. MaxGXL has a composition U.S. Patent and has international patents pending. There is absolutely no question that MaxGXL works!

What does MaxGXL do? It is a Glutathione accelerator or precursor. In other words, it gives your body and every cell within your body the exact nutrients necessary to produce higher levels of intercellular Glutathione.

Glutathione is the most prevalent and strongest antioxidant in your body. It is produced by every cell in your body. It is essential for the production of ATP, which is the "fuel" that every cell runs on. Glutathione is also essential in the body for detoxification. In the
kidneys and liver, the prevalent presence of Glutathione is essential to enable the body to
rid itself of toxins. By reducing oxidative stress in the cells, Glutathione is instrumental in significantly reducing inflammation within the body.

How critical is Glutathione to each cell in your body? If the Glutathione levels in a cell are depleted by more than 60% within any cell, it will die. Without Glutathione, the cell has no protection from oxidative stress caused by normal oxygen burning processes (life). The cell has nothing to generate ATP to maintain normal cell functions. The cell and body could not
rid itself of toxins without Glutathione. Inflammation throughout the body would be prevalent, without the presence of Glutathione.

Glutathione was discovered in 1898. Since that time, there have been tens of thousands of articles written about the function and importance of Glutathione.

Could you get the necessary nutrients to produce intercellular Glutathione through proper dietary habits. The answer is yes. But, how many people have perfect dietary habits? Even very meticulous dietary habits may not contain the exact ingredients necessary to promote higher Glutathione production.

Scientific research substantiates that intercellular Glutathione production in the body decreases after the age of 20 years. This is a normal part of the aging process. For every decade after age 20, your body's production of Glutathione decreases by 10 to 12 percent. This reduction in Glutathione exposes your cells, organs, and body to more oxidative stress. In turn, you are more subject to exposure to cellular mutations and diseases of the aging.

What about all those "exotic" juice drinks and supplements on the market? The manufactures claim these $40 a bottle juices have extraordinary powers and very high antioxidant levels. Yet, a Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008 newspaper investigative report from the Deseret Morning News dispels the suggestions of these claims http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,695253529,00.html

It is also reported on MSNBC at:

In fact they say:

"An independent lab test performed for The Associated Press shows XanGo's antioxidant strength is no better than other readily available fruit juices, yet it costs nearly $40 a bottle. XanGo insists mangosteen contains other beneficial chemicals."

"My big concern with XanGo is that the business has gone a long way without showing
any benefit in human trials," said Wayne Askew, director of the Division of Nutrition of the University of Utah's College of Health.

For the lab test, The Associated Press shipped a 750-milliliter bottle of XanGo to Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute at Corvallis. The institute measured its antioxidant strength against store-bought juices that sell for a few dollars a bottle. On a scale of molecular weight, XanGo's antioxidants measured 14,884 "micromoles" per liter - slightly
higher than cranberry juice, but lower than black cherry and less than half the power of blueberry juice. Apple juice finished last in this test. "In terms of its antioxidant capacity, XanGo is in the middle of the pack," said Balz Frei, the institute's director and chairman.

Frei and other scientists emphasize that antioxidants haven't been shown to actually work inside the human body. Antioxidants are known to work in test tubes, but stomach acids could neutralize them before they can get to work destroying any cell-damaging free-oxygen radicals.

Have you ever wondered why all the "Juice" Companies and other nutritional supplement companies never conducted human clinical studies on their product? Maybe the results and benefits they suggest come from their product are not measurable. Some companies refer to abstract studies by other scientists and state because their product has a certain ingredient in it, then it relates to those other studies. How do they or their formulators know what quantity of that ingredient is necessary for the necessary benefits. More often than not, they load up the product with vast quantities of the "magic" ingredient, along with every other perceived beneficial nutritional herb or ingredient. Are there potential side effects from excessive amounts of these ingredients? If these "concoctions" are that beneficial for your health, why don't these companies do "human clinical testing" on their products? It would seem that "measurable" results and documented studies would help increase their sales. I think that you and I know why these companies do not complete these tests. They would rather rely on anecdotal evidence, rather than scientific proof.

The "Juice Wars" have reached such a fevered pitch that new companies are combining mixtures of the Acai berry, Mangosteen, Noni, and Goji berry. The logic is if one is good, then having them all has to be better. Once again, no scientific evidence to support the anecdotal evidence.

One Juice Company that uses the Goji berry recently announced their "Clinical trials, double blind, placebo study results". Sounds great doesn't it? But, when you look at the clinical reported results, you find ALL of the evaluation areas were based on "subjective" decisions by the study participants. None of the results are based on scientifically measurable results of before and after. Also, what they fail to tell you is the study group for the clinical trail was made up of "company employees". How objective do you think their employees were in this
"clinical trail"? The science is equivalent to voodoo medicine. No clinical or credible scientist would accept the results of this study.

I am not saying that these Juices or nutritional supplements are bad for you. I am just saying the science is NOT there to document the benefits that are being anecdotally claimed.

MaxGXL is scientifically documented and the results are clinically measurable. MaxGXL does significantly increase your intercellular Glutathione.

We make absolutely no claims about MaxGXL, other than it will raise your intercellular Glutathione levels.

Increasing cellular Glutathione is scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress, raise intercellular energy levels, fight intercellular inflammation, strengthen your immune system, and detoxify your body.

If my body needed more vitamin C, E, CoQ10, or other antioxidants, it would be producing it. Intercellular Glutathione is what the body produces to protect and cleans itself. I have to assume the body knows best what it needs to function properly and produces it.

Yes, I am but a laymen. I am not a scientist or physician. But, I am intelligent enough to believe in measurable scientific evidence. At 60 years of age, I know that my cells are producing 40% to 50% less intercellular Glutathione. That only serves to expose me to more oxidative stress and provides less ATP to fuel and energize my cells. In my case, I
choose to take the scientifically proven MaxGXL to raise my intercellular Glutathione levels. I know and believe that my long term quality of life will be significantly enhanced by using MaxGXL.

Is MaxGXL all that I need? No, I have to eat properly, exercise, drink plenty of water (hydrate), and get proper amounts of sleep. But since the process of natural aging is reducing my intercellular Glutathione production, it just make sense to supplement with MaxGXL. I will do that for the rest of my life and am just thankful that Dr. Keller invented this product and that the Founders of Max International made it available to mankind.

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